Monocle’s first ever book, The Monocle Guide to Better Living looks at the different aspects of the quality of life and offers their insights on how and where to live better. A wonderful collection of writing, reports and pictures of different places to live. A […]

Essential Novels Scratch-Off Poster
It’s the holiday season and if you’re still working on your gift list like me, then here’s an idea. Earlier this year I decided only to give books whenever I have to give a gift to someone. The Essential Novels Scratch-Off Poster is the perfect idea […]

Food Rules
Came across Michael Pollan through Cooked on Netflix recently, three years after his book of the same title came out. Watched Cowspiracy last week and I realized that there’s so much about food and sustainability that I have no idea of. The film bothered me so much about the […]

The Last Girlfriend on Earth
In this short book review, we’ll check out Simon Rich‘s The Last Girlfriend on Earth. The book is a collection of “love stories” which is very entertaining. Some of my favorite stories from the book are, Unprotected, Celebrity Sexceptions, Center of the Universe and The Present. WHO’S SIMON […]

Current mantra, “I got my mind on my money, my money on my mind.” I had high hopes for this year. When I lost something late last year, I had even higher expectations for myself and got a little bit crazy about it that I’m […]

Two Kinds of Decay
I had Sarah Manguso‘s memoir, The Two Kinds of Decay for years, but never opened the book until two weeks ago. I picked it up from my shelf randomly and I’m glad I did. I’ve always liked the way she writes. Sarah’s Illness While Sarah […]

Humans of New York: Stories
Brandon Stanton started Humans of New York in 2010, photographing New Yorkers. The project evolved and Brandon started collecting quotes and stories from people. He recently went to Turkey to talk to refugees. Most of the stories were heartbreaking as you can imagine. Made all my problems […]

Falling Into Place
Falling Into Place is a heartbreaking story of Meridian High’s most popular junior girl, Liz Emerson. Liz planned her death, she’d crash her car and kill herself. The story unravels in a very different way. You’ll know more about Liz and the different characters and their […]

300 Things
Iain S. Thomas started I Wrote This For You in 2007. It was one of my favorite blogs of all time. In 2011, the first book was published. There were more I Wrote This For You books after that. Two weeks ago, as a thank you, the book […]

The Opposite of Loneliness: Essays and Stories
Marina Keegan was an American author best known for her essay “The Opposite of Loneliness” which she wrote for Yale University’s school paper. It was for their commencement exercises in 2012. She died at 22, five days after she graduated magna cum laude from Yale University. […]